Unit IFundamentals of Computer Organization & Digital Electronics Basic Organization of Computers, Classification Micro, Mini, Mainframe and Super Computer. System Bus and Interconnection, PCI, Computer Function, I-Cycle, Interrupt and Class of Interrupts. Number systems, Decimal Number system, Binary number system, Octal & Hexadecimal number system, 1’s & 2’s complement, Binary Fixed Point Representation. (Chapters - 1, 2) Unit IICommunication Interface Basic Peripherals & their interfacing with 8086/8088, Semiconductor Memory Interfacing-Dynamic RAM Interfacing-Interfacing I/O ports-PIO-8255, Modes of operation-interfacing Analog-Digital Data converter-stepper motor interfacing. (Chapter - 3) Unit IIIIntroduction & IOT Technologies behind smart and intelligent devices IoT Concepts, Introduction to IOT Communications, Telemetry vs IOT, Applications of IOT Communications, People, Processes and Devices. Automation, asset management, telemetry, transportation, telematics. Telemetry and Telemetric; Report location, logistics, tracking and remote assistance; Next generation kiosks, self-service technology; Cellular IOT connectivity services. (Chapter - 4) Unit IVIoT Systems, Network and Protocols Study of RF Wireless Sensors; Wireless networks; Wireless Sensor Networking (WSN); Cellular Machine-to- Machine (M2M) application networks; Computer Connected to Internet; Network Devices; Device configuration and management; Exchange information in real time without human intervention; IoT Protocols. (Chapter - 5) Unit VIOT Design and System Engineering Discuss IOT Requirements; Hardware & Software; Study of IOT Sensors; Tagging and Tracking; Embedded Products; IOT Design; SIM Card Technology; IOT Connectivity and Management; IOT Security & IOT Communication. (Chapter - 6) Unit VIIOT Applications IOT Verticals; IOT Hosted Services; IOT Application development, IOT Connectivity; IOT Software providers; Review of various IoT application domains including agriculture,