Unit 1 : Types of Network, Mesh and Nodal analysis Lumped and Distributed, Linear and Nonlinear, Bilateral and Unilateral, Time-variant and Time - invariant. Independent and Dependent (controlled) voltage and current sources. Concept of voltage and current divider, Source transformation and shifting. Network Equations : Network equations on Loop basis and Node basis, choice between Loop analysis and Nodal analysis. Concept of super node and super mesh, mutual inductance, Dot convention for coupled circuits, Concept of duality and dual networks. (Chapter - 1) Unit 2 : Network Theorem Superposition, Thevenin, Norton, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem, Reciprocity, Millman theorems applied to electrical networks with all types of sources. Graph Theory : Tree, Co-tree, Incidence matrix, F-cutest Matrix, Tie set B Matrix (Chapter - 2) Unit 3 : Transients in RLC circuit Solutions of differential equations and network equations using classical method for R-L, R-C and R-L-C circuits, Initial and Final Condition (series and parallel). (Chapter - 3) Unit 4 : Laplace Transform Basic Properties of Laplace Transform, Laplace Transform of Basic R, L and C components, Solutions of differential equations and network equations using Laplace transform method for RL, R-C and R-L-C circuits (series and parallel), Inverse Laplace transforms, transformed networks with initial conditions. Analysis of electrical circuits with applications of step, pulse, impulse and ramp functions, shifted and singular functions the convolution integral,application of initial and final value theorem. (Chapter - 4) Unit 5 : Two port network and Filters Two Port Network : Z, Y, H and transmission parameters, Interrelations between parameters. Introduction to passive filters, low pass filters, high pass filters and m-derived LPF and HPF filters and design. (Chapter - 5) Unit 6 : Network Functions Poles and Zeros : Terminal pairs or ports, network functions for the one port and two ports, the calculation of network functions, general networks. Poles and zeros of network functions, Restrictions on poles and zeros locations for transfer functions and driving point function, Time domain behavior from the pole and zero plot. Stability of active networks. Parallel Resonance, Resonance frequency, Quality factor, Current and resonance. (Chapter - 6)