Syllabus Engineering Mechanics - (ESC-104-CVL) Credit Examination Scheme 02 CCE : 30 Marks 01 End-Semester : 70 Marks Term Work : 25 Marks Unit I Force systems and its resultants Introduction, type of motion, fundamental concepts and principle, force system, resolution and composition of forces, resultant of concurrent force system, moment of a force, Varignon's theorem, resultant of parallel force system, couple and resultant of general force system. Introduction, centroid of basic figures, centroid of composite figure, moment of inertia of simple geometrical figure, parallel axis theorem, perpendicular axis theorem, moment of inertia of composite figure. (Chapters - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Unit II Equilibrium Introduction, free body diagram, equilibrium of coplanar forces, equilibrium of two forces, three force principle, equilibrium of concurrent, parallel and general force system, type of load, type of support, type of beam and support reaction. (Chapters - 6, 7) Unit III Friction and trusses Introduction, sliding and rolling friction, laws of coulomb friction, coefficient of friction, angle of repose, angle of friction, cone of friction, friction on inclined plane, ladder friction and belt friction. Trusses : two force and multi force member, assumption of analysis, analysis of truss, identification of zero force members, method of joint and method of section. (Chapters - 8, 9) Unit IV Kinematics of particle Introduction, basic concept, rectilinear motion : motion with uniform acceleration, gravitational acceleration and variable acceleration, curvilinear motion : rectangular components, motion of projectile, normal and tangential components. (Chapters - 10, 11) Unit V Kinetics of particle Introduction, Newton’s second law of motion, equation of motion, Newton's law of gravitation, application of Newton's second laws to rectilinear and curvilinear motion, conservative and nonconservative forces, work energy principle, conservation of energy, impulse momentum principle and impact. (Chapters - 12, 13, 14, 15)