Syllabus Fundamentals of Programming Languages (ESC-105-COM) Credit Examination Scheme 02 CCE : 30 Marks 01 End-Semester : 70 Marks Term Work : 25 Marks Unit I lntroduction to Program Planning & C Programming Program Design Tools : Art of Programming through Algorithms, Flowcharts. Overview of C : History and importance C, Character Set, C Tokens, Keywords and Identifiers, Constants, Variables, Data types, Declaration of variables, Storage Class, Assigning Values to variables, Defining Symbolic Constants, Declaring a Variable as Constant, Declaring a Variable as Volatile. (Chapters - 1, 2, 3) Unit II Operators and Expressions Operators and Expressions : Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Assignment Operators, Increment and Decrement Operators, Conditional Operators, Bitwise Operators, Special Operators. Arithmetic Expressions, Evaluation of Expressions, Precedence of Arithmetic Operators, Operator Precedence and Associativity, Mathematical Functions. (Chapter - 4) Unit III Control Flow Decision Making and Branching : Simple If Statement, If-Else, Else-If, Switch Statement, Goto Statement Decision Making and Looping : While Statement, Do-While, For Statement, Break and Continue. (Chapter - 5) Unit IV Arrays Arrays : One Dimensional Arrays, Declaration of One-dimensional Arrays, Initialization of One dimensional Arrays, Two - dimensional Arrays, Initialization of Two - dimensional Arrays. Character Arrays and Strings : Declaration and Initialization String Variables, Reading Strings from Terminal, Writing Strings to screen, Putting Strings Together, Comparison of Two Strings, Introduction to String handling Functions. (Chapter - 6) Unit V User Defined Functions User Defined Functions : Need for User - defined Functions, A Multi - Function Program, Elements of User defined Functions, Definition of Functions, Return Values and their Types, Function Calls, Function Declaration, Category of Functions : No Arguments and no return Values, Arguments but No Return Values, Arguments With Return values, No Arguments but Returns a Value, Functions that Return Multiple Values, Nesting of Functions, Recursion. Structures : What is a Structure ? Structure Type Declarations, Structure Declarations, Referencing Structure Members, Referencing Whole Structures, Initialization of Structures. (Chapters - 7, 8)