Syllabus Energy Engineering - [402049] Credits Examination Scheme Theory 3 In-Semester 30 Marks Practical 1 End-Semester 70 Marks Term Work 25 Marks Oral 25 Marks Unit 1 Energy Scenario and Thermal Energy based Power Plants Energy Scenario : global and Indian energy scenario, role of Government and Private organizations, energy crisis, energy security, energy policy, India’s low carbon transition. Thermal Energy Based Plant : layout of modern thermal energy based plant with different circuits, site selection, classification of coal, coal benefication, selection of coal for thermal power plant, slurry type fuels, in-plant handling of coal, pulverized fuel handling systems, FBC systems, high pressure boilers, improved Rankine cycle : Rankine cycle with only reheating and only regeneration (Numerical Treatment), energy conservation in boilers. (Chapters - 1, 2) Unit 2 Steam Condensers, Cooling Towers and Environmental Impact of Energy System Steam condensers : need, elements of steam condensing plant, classification, Dalton’s law of partial pressure, condenser efficiency, vacuum efficiency, cooling water requirements (Numerical Treatment), air leakage and its effects on condenser performance, air pumps (Numerical Treatment for Air Pump capacity), steam condenser market. Cooling Towers : need, classification of condenser water cooling systems, classification of cooling pond and cooling towers. environmental effects of cooling towers, next generation cooling towers. Environmental impact of energy system : different pollutants from energy plants, methods to control pollutants : types of scrubbers; ash handling system; dust collections; ESP, carbon credits and footprints, water treatment in thermal energy based plant. (Chapters - 3, 4) Unit 3 Diesel, Hydel, Nuclear Energy systems Diesel engine power plant : general layout; different systems of DEPP, plant layout of high/medium /low capacity DEPP, performance operating characteristics based on heat rate, advantages; disadvantages; applications; methods of energy conservation. Hydel energy : basics of hydrology, hydrograph, flow duration curve, mass curve (Numerical Treatment), hydel power plant (HPP)- site selection, classification of HPP (Based on head, nature of load, water quantity), criteria for turbine selection, components of HPP- dams; spillways; surge tank and forebay, advantages and disadvantages of HPP. Nuclear energy : nuclear fission/fusion, elements of NPP, types of nuclear reactor (PWR, BWR, CANDU, LMCR, GCR, Fast Breeder) nuclear fuels, moderators, coolants, control rod and shielding, nuclear waste disposal, nuclear power development programme of India. (Chapters - 5, 6, 7) Unit 4 Gas and Improved Power cycle Gas turbine power plant : components, general layout of GTPP, open & closed cycle gas turbine plant, Brayton cycle analysis for thermal efficiency, work ratio, maximum & optimum pressure ratio, methods to improve thermal efficiency of GTPP : only inter-cooling; only reheating & only regeneration cycle (numerical treatment), Improved cycle based Power Plant : gas and steam combined cycle plant, Cogeneration, introduction to tri-generation, steam power plants with process heating (Numerical Treatment), Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) plant, Kalina (Cheng) Cycle. (Chapter - 8) Unit 5 Energy Management, Storage and Economics of Power Generation Energy management and storage : energy management with storage systems, energy demand estimation, energy pricing, thermal energy storage methods. Power plant instrumentation : layout of electrical equipment, switch gear, circuit breaker, protective devices, measurement of high voltage, current and power. Economics of power generation : cost of electrical energy, fixed and operating cost [methods to determine depreciation cost] (numerical treatment), load curves, performance and operation characteristics of power plants, load division, all terminologies related to fluctuating load plant, tariff (numerical treatment), analysis of energy bill. (Chapters - 9, 10, 11) Unit 6 Renewable Energy Systems Solar thermal and photovoltaic energy : solar thermal plant based on flat plate collector; solar photovoltaic systems, applications, economics and technical feasibility. Wind Energy : wind availability, basic components of wind mills, performance operating characteristics, wind solar hybrid power plants, Cost economics and viability of wind farm. Geothermal Energy : typical geothermal field, superheated steam system, flash type, binary cycle plant, economics of geothermal energy. Tidal Energy : components, single basin, double basin systems. Ocean Thermal Energy : working principle, Claude /Anderson /hybrid cycle. Wave Energy : dolphin type wave machines. MHD Power Generation : working principle, open/ close cycle MHD generator. Fuel cell : main components, working Principle. Biomass Energy : biomass gasifier. Hydrogen Energy : principle of hydrogen production, hydrogen storage, applications. (Chapter - 12)