Unit I Fundamentals of Cloud Computing Introduction to Cloud Computing, History of Cloud Computing, Characteristics of Cloud Computing, Cloud Types : NIST, Cloud cube, Cloud service models, Cloud Computing deployment models, Exploring the Cloud Computing Stack, Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications of cloud computing. (Chapter - 1) Unit II Cloud Service Models Introduction and benefits of Cloud services, Characteristics, benefits, applications of different cloud service models, Software as a service (SaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Network as a service (NaaS), Identity as a service (IdaaS), Database as a service (DbaaS), Comparison of cloud services. (Chapter - 2) Unit III Virtualization Introduction to Virtualization, Difference between Cloud Computing and Virtualization Types of Virtualization : Hardware, Software, Operating system, Server, Storage, Methods of implementing storage Virtualization, Network Virtualization Types, Advantages, Disadvantages, Virtualization Architecture and Software, Virtual Clustering, Applications of Virtualization. (Chapter - 3) Unit IV Service Oriented Architecture and Cloud Security Cloud Computing Architecture (COA) : Design principles, Cloud computing life cycle (CCLC), Cloud computing reference architecture, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) characteristics and fundamental components. Cloud Security : Cloud CIA security model (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability), Cloud computing security architecture, Service provider security issues, Cloud Security Issues and challenges, Security issues in virtualization, Host Security, Data Security, Firewalls. (Chapter - 4) Unit V Cloud Environment and Application Development Cloud Platforms : Google App Engine, Compute Services, Storage Services, Communication Services, Amazon Web Services Architecture and core concepts, Application Lifecycle, Cost Model, Microsoft Azure Cloud services Azure core concepts, Windows Azure Platform Appliance. (Chapter - 5) Unit VI Distributed Computing and Internet of Things Distributed Computing : Need, Distributed computing vs. Cloud computing, Enabling Technologies for the Internet of Things, Innovative Applications of the Internet of Things, Online Social and Professional Networking. (Chapter - 6)