Technical Publications
Design and Analysis of Algorithms/Algorithm Design And Analysis for JNTU-H 18 Course (III - II - CSE/IT -CS603PC) (Decode)
Rs. 260.00
Technical Publications
Internet of Things for JNTU-H 18 Course (III-II) ( IT ) - R18 - IT604PC & (IV - I - CSE - CS724PE ) - Professional Elective - V (Decode)
Rs. 80.00
Technical Publications
Compiler Design for JNTU-H 18 Course (III - II - CSE/IT -CS602PC) & Principles of Compiler Construction (III-II) ( IT ) - R18 - IT602PQ (Decode)
Rs. 220.00
Technical Publications
Object Oriented Programming through Java for JNTU-H 18 Course (III - II - ECE/Prof. Elec.-II - EC611PE) & Java Programming for JNTU-H 18 Course (II-II /CSE - CS405PC) & (IV - I - CSE / IT - CS703OE ) - Open Elective - II (Decode)
Rs. 235.00
Technical Publications
Advanced Algorithms for JNTU-H 18 Course (IV - I - CSE - CS721PE) - Professional Elective - V (Decode)
Rs. 185.00
Technical Publications
Cryptography & Network Security for JNTU-H 18 Course (IV - I - CSE - CS701PC) (Decode)
Rs. 150.00
Technical Publications
Machine Learning for JNTU-H 18 Course (III - I - IT/Prof. Elec.-II) , (III - II - CSE - CS601PC) & R18 (IV - II - CSE/IT/Open Elective-III- CS800OE) (Decode)
Rs. 150.00
Technical Publications
Neural Networks & Deep Learning for JNTU-H 18 Course (IV - II -CSE - CS864PE) (Decode)
Rs. 130.00
Technical Publications
Data Mining for JNTU-H 18 Course (IV - I - CSE - CS702PC) (Decode)
Rs. 130.00
Technical Publications
Artificial Intelligence for JNTU-H 18 Course (IV - I - CSE / IT - CS713PE) - Professional Elective - IV & (IV - I - CSE / IT - CS701OE ) - Open Elective - II (Decode)
Rs. 275.00
Technical Publications
DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS for JNTU-H 18 Course (II - II - CSE/IT - CS404PC) , (IV - I - ECE -EC722PE - Professional Elective – IV) & (IV - II - CSE/IT/Open Elective-III - CS803OE) (Decode)
Rs. 225.00
Technical Publications
Cloud Computing for JNTU-H 18 Course (IV - I - CSE / IT - CS714PE) - Professional Elective - IV (Decode)
Rs. 100.00