UNIT - I Steam Power Plant : Rankine cycle - Schematic layout, Thermodynamic Analysis, Concept of Mean Temperature of Heat addition, Methods to improve cycle performance - Regeneration & reheating. Boilers : Classification - Working principles with sketches including H.P. Boilers - Mountings and Accessories - Working principles- Boiler horse power, Equivalent Evaporation, Efficiency and Heat balance - Draught- Classification - Height of chimney for given draught and discharge- Condition for maximum discharge- Efficiency of chimney. (Chapters - 1, 2) UNIT - II Steam Nozzles : Stagnation Properties- Function of nozzle - Applications and Types- Flow through nozzles- Thermodynamic analysis - Assumptions -Velocity of nozzle at exit-Ideal and actual expansion in nozzle- Velocity coefficient- Condition for maximum discharge-Critical pressure ratio- Criteria to decide nozzle shape- Super saturated flow, its effects, Degree of super saturation and Degree of under cooling - Wilson line. (Chapter - 3) UNIT - III Steam Turbines : Classification - Impulse turbine; Mechanical details - Velocity diagram - Effect of friction - Power developed, Axial thrust, Blade or diagram efficiency - Condition for maximum efficiency. De-Laval Turbine - its features- Methods to reduce rotor speed-Velocity compounding and Pressure compounding- Velocity and Pressure variation along the flow - Combined velocity diagram for a velocity compounded impulse turbine. Reaction Turbine : Mechanical details - Principle of operation, Thermodynamic analysis of a stage, Degree of reaction -Velocity diagram - Parson’s reaction turbine - Condition for maximum efficiency. (Chapters - 4, 5) UNIT - IV Steam Condensers : Requirements of steam condensing plant - Classification of condensers - Working principle of different types - Vacuum efficiency and Condenser efficiency - Air leakage, sources and its affects, Air pump- Cooling water requirement. Gas Turbines : UNIT - V Jet Propulsion :