Technical Publications
Basic Mechanical Engineering for GTU 24 Course (I/II- COMMON - BE01000081)
Rs. 495.00
Technical Publications
Knowledge Management for BE Anna University R21CBCS (Sem-VII/VIII/Elective Mgmt. - ECE/CSE/IT/EEE/AI&DS/CS&BS/CSE(AI&ML)/CSE(Cyber Security)/Auto. - Elective Mgmt. - GE3755)
Rs. 275.00
Technical Publications
Data Mining and Data Warehousing for BE VTU Course 18 OBE & CBCS (VI- CSE/ISE/Prof. Elec.-1 - 18CS641)
Rs. 210.00
Technical Publications
Adhoc & Wireless Sensor Networks for BE Anna University R17 (VII-ECE - EC8702)
Rs. 450.00
Technical Publications
Distributed Computing for SPPU 20 Course (BE - SEM- VIII - AI&DS - 417531)
Rs. 385.00
Technical Publications
ELECTRONIC MATERIALS & COMPONENTS for Online Examination K Scheme (II - E&Tc/ECE/ELEX. - 312316)
Rs. 225.00
Technical Publications
Object Oriented Programming-I for GTU 18 Course (IV - CE/CSE/IT - 3140705) & GTU 20 Course (IV - CSE(AI & ML) - 3140705))
Rs. 525.00
Technical Publications
Cryptography & Network Security for GTU 18 Course (VI- CSE/IT - 3161606)
Rs. 275.00
Technical Publications
Principles of Economics and Management for GTU 18 Course (IV- CSE/IT- 3140709)
Rs. 295.00
Technical Publications
Advanced Manufacturing Processes for GTU 18 Course (VI- Mech./Prof. Elec.-III - 3161922)
Rs. 310.00
Technical Publications
Embedded Systems GTU 18 Course(VI - ECE/Prof. Elective - III - 3161009)
Rs. 325.00