Technical Publications
Engineering Graphics for SPPU 19 Course (FE - II - Common - 102012)
Rs. 435.00
Technical Publications
Automobile Engineering for GTU 18 Course (VI- Mech./Prof. Elec.-III - 3161920)
Rs. 615.00
Technical Publications
Web Programming for GTU 18 Course (VI- CE/CSE/Prof. Elec.-II - 3160713)
Rs. 550.00
Technical Publications
Operating System for GTU 18 Course (IV - CSE/IT - 3140702) & GTU 20 Course (IV - CSE(AI & ML) - 3140702))
Rs. 410.00
Technical Publications
Microprocessor & Interfacing for GTU 18 Course (VI- CE - 3160712)
Rs. 465.00
Technical Publications
Engineering Mathematics - III for SPPU 19 Course (SE - IV - MECH. - 207002)
Rs. 595.00
Technical Publications
Neural Networks and Deep Learning for BE Anna University R21CBCS V, VI, VII, VIII (Vertical I - CSE / IT / CS&BS & Vertical VI - AI&DS - CCS355)
Rs. 250.00
Technical Publications
Data Analysis & Visualization for GTU 18 Course (VI- CSE/IT/Open Elec.-II - 3161613)
Rs. 210.00
Technical Publications
Control Systems for SPPU 19 Course (SE - IV - Elex./E&Tc - 204192)
Rs. 430.00
Technical Publications
Energy Audit and Management for SPPU 19 Course (BE - SEM VIII - MECH - 402050B) - Elective-V
Rs. 365.00
Technical Publications
Internet of Things for SPPU 20 Course (SE - SEM IV -AI&DS) - 217529
Rs. 415.00