Module - 1 : Beginning with C++ and its Features : What is C++ ?, Applications and structure of C++ program, Different Data types, Variables, Different Operators, expressions, operator overloading and control structures in C++ . (Chapter - 1) Module - 2 : Functions, Classes and Objects : Functions, Inline function, function overloading, friend and virtual functions, Specifying a class, C++ program with a class, arrays within a class, memory allocation to objects, array of objects, members, pointers to members and member functions. (Chapter - 2) Module - 3 : Constructors, Destructors and Operator Overloading : Constructors, Multiple constructors in a class, Copy constructor, Dynamic constructor, Destructors, Defining operator overloading, Overloading Unary and binary operators, Manipulation of strings using operators. (Chapter - 3) Module - 4 : Inheritance, Pointers, Virtual Functions, Polymorphism : Derived Classes, Single, multilevel, multiple inheritance, Pointers to objects and derived classes, this pointer, Virtual and pure virtual functions. (Chapter - 4) Module - 5 : Streams and Working with Files : C++ streams and stream classes, formatted and unformatted I/O operations, Output with manipulators, Classes for file stream operations, opening and closing a file, EOF (Chapter - 5)