Syllabus Artificial Intelligence - (AL3391) UNIT I Intelligent Agents Introduction to AI - Agents and Environments - concept of rationality - nature of environments - structure of agents. Problem solving agents - search algorithms - uninformed search strategies. (Chapters - 1, 2, 3, 4) UNIT II Problem Solving Heuristic search strategies - heuristic functions. Local search and optimization problems - local search in continuous space - search with non-deterministic actions - search in partially observable environments - online search agents and unknown environments. (Chapter - 5) UNIT III Game Playing and CSP Game theory - optimal decisions in games - alpha-beta search - monte-carlo tree search - stochastic games - partially observable games. Constraint satisfaction problems - constraint propagation - backtracking search for CSP - local search for CSP - structure of CSP. (Chapters - 6, 7) UNIT IV Logical Reasoning Knowledge-based agents - propositional logic - propositional theorem proving - propositional model checking - agents based on propositional logic. First-order logic - syntax and semantics - knowledge representation and engineering - inferences in first-order logic - forward chaining - backward chaining - resolution. (Chapters - 8, 9) UNIT V Probabilistic Reasoning Acting under uncertainty - Bayesian inference - naïve Bayes models. Probabilistic reasoning - Bayesian networks - exact inference in BN - approximate inference in BN - causal networks. (Chapter - 10)