Syllabus C Programming and Data Structures - (CS3353) UNIT I C PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS Data Types - Variables - Operations - Expressions and Statements - Conditional Statements - Functions - Recursive Functions - Arrays - Single and Multi-Dimensional Arrays. (Chapter - 1) UNIT II C PROGRAMMING - ADVANCED FEATURES Structures - Union - Enumerated Data Types - Pointers : Pointers to Variables, Arrays and Functions - File Handling - Preprocessor Directives. (Chapter - 2) UNIT III LINEAR DATA STRUCTURES Abstract Data Types (ADTs) - List ADT - Array-Based Implementation - Linked List - Doubly- Linked Lists - Circular Linked List - Stack ADT - Implementation of Stack - Applications - Queue ADT - Priority Queues - Queue Implementation - Applications. (Chapters - 3, 4) UNIT IV NON - LINEAR DATA STRUCTURES Trees - Binary Trees - Tree Traversals - Expression Trees - Binary Search Tree - Hashing - Hash Functions - Separate Chaining - Open Addressing - Linear Probing- Quadratic Probing - Double Hashing - Rehashing. (Chapters - 5, 6) UNIT V SORTING AND SEARCHING TECHNIQUES Insertion Sort - Quick Sort - Heap Sort - Merge Sort - Linear Search - Binary Search.(Chapter - 7)