Syllabus Environment and Sustainability - (4300003) Total Credits (L+T/2+P/2) Examination Scheme Theory Marks Practical Marks Total Marks C CA ESE CA ESE 3 30* 70 0 0 100 Unit Unit Outcomes (UOs) (4 to 6 UOs at different levels) Topics and Sub-topics Unit - I Ecosystem 1a. Explain the Structure with components of the given Ecosystem. 1.1 Structure and components of ecosystem. 1b. Explain Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulphur and Phosphorus cycle for the given ecosystem. 1.2 Types of Ecosystem, changes in ecosystem. 1c. Justify the needs to conserve the given Ecosystem on the w.r.t. following points : • Carrying capacity of earth • Biomes, • Ecologically sensitive area 1.3 Various natural cycles like carbon, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Phosphorus. 1d. Explain the term biodiversity with its importance. 1.4 Ecosystem conservation, carrying capacity of earth, Biomes in India, (ESA) Ecologically sensitive areas. 1e. Illustrate the importance of IUCN red list in environmental engineering. 1.5 Bio diversity, its need and importance, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list. 1f. Calculate global ecological overshoot and virtual water requirement of given natural and man-made materials. 1.6 Concept of Ecological foot print, virtual water, global ecological overshoot. (Chapter - 1) Unit - II Pollution and its types 2a. Explain the term, “pollution and pollutant” in the given situation. 2.1 Definition of pollution and pollutant. 2b. Classify the air pollution on the basis of its source. 2.2 Air pollution, classification and its sources. 2c. Use relevant equipment to control given type of air pollution. 2.3 Air pollution control Equipments. 2d. Explain relevant techniques of treatment to deal with given type of water pollution. 2.4 Water pollution, pollution parameters like BOD, COD, pH, Total suspended solids, Turbidity, Total Solids. 2e. Apply relevant techniques of Solid waste management based on its characteristics. 2.5 Waste water treatment like primary, secondary and tertiary. 2f. Explain drawbacks of noise pollution in given situation. 2.6 Solid waste generation, sources and characteristics of Muncipal solid waste. 2g. Describe the environmental degradation due to Plastic waste and E-waste. 2.7 Collection and disposal of Muncipal waste and Hazardous waste. 2.8 Noise pollution-its effects, sources and measurement. 2.9 Plastic waste and its hazard. 2.10 E waste and its hazard. (Chapter - 2) Unit - III Renewable sources of energy 3a. Justify the need of renewable energy adopting relevant energy policy in given situation. 3.1 Need of Renewable energy and energy policy. 3b. Explain the working of the solar thermal and PV systems with sketch in given situation. 3.2 Solar energy : National solar mission. 3c. Justify the need of Advanced collector, Solar Pond, Solar water heater, Solar dryer in the given system. 3.3 Features of solar thermal and PV systems. Advanced collector, Solar Pond, Solar water heater, Solar dryer, polycrystalline, monocrystalline and thin film PV systems. 3d. Emphasize the importance of wind power in India. 3.4 Wind Energy : Growth of wind power in India. 3e. Select the relevant type of wind turbines in the given situation. 3.5 Types of wind turbines - Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) and horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT). 3f. Identify the relevant types of Sources of biomass energy. 3.6 Types of HAWTs - drag and lift types. 3g. Draw the neat labelled diagram of simple biogas plant to explain its working. 3.7 Biomass : Overview of biomass as energy source. Thermal characteristics of biomass as fuel. 3h. Identify the sources of the energy generation for the given situation. 3.8 Anaerobic digestion, Biogas production mechanism, utilization and storage. 3.9 New energy sources : Geothermal energy, Ocean energy sources, Tidal energy conversion, Hydrogen energy. (Chapter - 3) Unit - IV Climate Change 4a. Explain the term, “climate change” in context of environment. 4.1 Identify Factors affecting climate change in given locality. 4b. Describe the ill effects of Global warming due to various causes arising in the given situation. 4.2 Definition of climate change. 4c. Explain the term, “greenhouse effect” with its causes. 4.3 Global warming-causes, effect, process. 4d. Relate the impact of Ozone depletion in climate change due to its causes. 4.4 Greenhouse effect. 4e. Justify the need of relevant Climate change management system to reduce the impact of climate change in the given context. 4.5 Ozone depletion. 4.6 Factors affecting climate change. 4.7 Impact and mitigation. 4.8 Climate change management. (Chapter - 4) Unit - V Environmental legislation and sustainable practices 5a. Use relevant policy or law in relation with environment in given situation. 5.1 Environmental policies in India. 5b. Relate the relevant provision of given act in given situation. 5.2 Air act, water act, Environment protection act, wild life protection act, Forest conservation act, Biodiversity act. 5c. Explain the necessity of the Environmental management system in given situation. 5.3 Environmental management system : ISO 14000, definition and benefits. 5d. Use the principle of Rain water harvesting in the given situation. 5.4 Rain water harvesting. 5e. Justify the necessity of Green building in India. 5.5 Green building and rating system in India. 5f. Adopt the relevant rating system for energy calculation for the given building. 5.6 Cradle to cradle concept and Life cycle analysis. 5g. Explain the terms, “Cradle to cradle concept” and “Life cycle analysis”. 5.7 Green label. 5h. Emphasize the importance of Carbon credit system in India. 5.8 Carbon credit system its advantages and disadvantages. 5i Explain the importance of 5R concept. 5.9 Concept of 5R(Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle). 5.10 Eco tourism : advantages and disadvantages. (Chapter - 5)