UNIT - I Materials - Types of structural steel - Mechanical properties of steel - Concepts of plasticity - yield strength Loads and Stresses - Local buckling behavior of steel. Concepts of limit State Design - Different Limit States - Load combinations for different Limit states - Design Strengths - deflection limits - serviceability - stability check - Design of Connections - Different types of connections - Bolted connections - Design strength -efficiency of joint- prying action - Welded connections - Types of welded joints - Design requirements - Design of Beam - column connections - Eccentric connections - Type I and Type II connection - Framed connection - stiffened / seated connection. (Chapter - 1) UNIT - II Design of tension members -Simple and built up members - Design strength - Design procedure for splicing lug angle - Design of compression members - Buckling class - slenderness ratio - Design of simple compression members - laced - battened columns - splice - column base - slab base. (Chapter - 2) UNIT - III Plastic Analysis; Plastic moment - Plastic section modulus - Plastic analysis of continuous beams - Design of Flexural Members - Laterally supported and unsupported Beams - Design of laterally supported beams -Bending and shear strength/buckling - Built up sections - Beam splice. (Chapter - 3) UNIT - IV Design of welded plate girders - elements - economical depth - design of main section - connections between web and flange - design of stiffeners - bearing stiffener - intermediate stiffeners - Design of web splice and flange splice. (Chapter - 4) UNIT - V Design of Industrial Structures; Types of roof trusses - loads on trusses - wind loads - Purlin design - truss design - Design of welded Gantry girder. (Chapter - 5)