Technical Publications
Information & Cyber Security for SPPU 15 Course (BE - II - Comp. - 410251) (OLD EDITION)
Rs. 150.00

Technical Publications
Mobile Communication for SPPU 15 Course (BE - II - E&Tc - 404189) (OLD EDITION)
Rs. 225.00

Technical Publications
Electrical Machines I for SPPU 19 Course (SE - IV - Electrical - 203146)
Rs. 165.00

Technical Publications
Power System I for SPPU 19 Course (SE - IV - Electrical - 203145)
Rs. 160.00

Technical Publications
Product Design and Development for SPPU 15 Course (BE - II - Mech. - 402050C) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
Industrial Engineering for SPPU 15 Course (BE - II - Mech. - 402049C) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
Mechanical System Design for SPPU 15 Course (BE - II - Mech. - 402048) (OLD EDITION)
Rs. 395.00

Technical Publications
Numerical Methods and Computer Programming for SPPU 19 Course (SE - IV - Electrical - 203148) (Decode)
Rs. 195.00

Technical Publications
Advanced Manufacturing Process for SPPU 15 Course (BE - II - Mech. - 402050A) (Decode) (OLD EDITION)
Rs. 110.00

Technical Publications
Wireless Sensor Networks for SPPU 15 Course (BE - II - E&Tc - 404192) (Decode) (OLD EDITION)
Rs. 90.00

Technical Publications
Broadband Communication Systems for SPPU 15 Course (BE - II - E&Tc - 404190) (Decode) (OLD EDITION)
Rs. 120.00