Technical Publications
Transmission Distribution and Utilization for DTEK 15 Course (V - EEE - 15EE52T)
Rs. 210.00

Technical Publications
Electrical Power Generation for DTEK 15 Course (III - EEE - 15EE32T)
Rs. 170.00

Technical Publications
DC Machines & Alternators for DTEK 15 Course (III - EEE - 15EE31T)
Rs. 195.00

Technical Publications
Applications of Electronics Engineering for DTEK 15 Course (V - ECE - 15EC54T)
Rs. 180.00

Technical Publications
Organizational Management & Entrepreneurship for DTEK 15 Course (V - ECE - 15EC51T)
Rs. 140.00

Technical Publications
Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation for DTEK 15 Course (III - ECE - 15EC34T)
Rs. 160.00

Technical Publications
Analog Electronic Circuits for DTEK 15 Course (III - ECE - 15EC31T)
Rs. 210.00