Technical Publications
CVM.GTUT Introduction to Computer Programming with C - SEM 1- COMP - 102000110
Rs. 595.00

Technical Publications
Design and Analysis of Algorithms for DTEK 15 Course (V - CSE - 15CS53T)
Rs. 140.00

Technical Publications
Formal Language and Automata Theory for GTU 18 Course (V - IT - 3151605)
Rs. 365.00

Technical Publications
Digital Signal Processing for SPPU 15 Course (TE - I - E&Tc/Elex. - 304182) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
Computer Networks for SPPU 15 Course (TE - I - Comp.- 310245) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
Mobile Application Development for JNTU-H 18 Course (III - II - CSE/IT/Prof. Elec.-III - CS614PE) & (IV - II - CSE/IT/Open Elective-III - CS801OE) (Decode)
Rs. 95.00

Technical Publications
Kinematics of Machinery for JNTU-H 18 Course (II - II - Mech. - ME402PC) (Decode)
Rs. 255.00