Syllabus Renewable Energy Technologies - (CME365) UNIT I ENERGY SCENARIO Indian energy scenario in various sectors - domestic, industrial, commercial, agriculture, transportation and others - Present conventional energy status - Present renewable energy status -Potential of various renewable energy sources - Global energy status-Per capita energy consumption - Future energy plans. (Chapter - 1) UNIT II SOLAR ENERGY Solar radiation - Measurements of solar radiation and sunshine - Solar spectrum - Solar thermal collectors - Flat plate and concentrating collectors - Solar thermal applications - Solar thermal energy storage - Fundamentals of solar photo voltaic conversion - Solar cells - Solar PV Systems - Solar PV applications. (Chapter - 2) UNIT III WIND ENERGY Wind data and energy estimation - Betz limit - Site selection for wind farms - characteristics - Wind resource assessment - Horizontal axis wind turbine - components - Vertical axis wind turbine - Wind turbine generators and its performance - Hybrid systems - Environmental issues - Applications. (Chapter - 3) UNIT IV BIO-ENERGY Bio resources - Biomass direct combustion - thermochemical conversion - biochemical conversion mechanical conversion - Biomass gasifier - Types of biomass gasifiers - Cogeneration - Carbonisation - Pyrolysis - Biogas plants - Digesters - Biodiesel production - Ethanol production - Applications. (Chapter - 4) UNIT V OCEAN AND GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Small hydro - Tidal energy - Wave energy - Open and closed OTEC Cycles - Limitations - Geothermal energy - Geothermal energy sources - Types of geothermal power plants - Applications - Environmental impact. (Chapter - 5)