UNIT 1 : INTRODUCTION Introduction to IPRs. Basic concepts and need for Intellectual Property - Patents, Copyriqhts, Geoqraphical Indications. IPR ίη India and Abroad - Genesis and Development - the way from WTO to WIPO -TRIPS, Nature of Intellectual Property, lndustrial Property. technoloqical Research, Inventions and Innovations - Important examples of IPR. (Chapter - 1) UNIT 11 : REGISTRATION OF IPRs Meaninq and practical aspects of reφstration of Copy Riqhts. Trademarks. Patents. Geoqraphical Indications, Trade Secrets and Industrial Desiqn reqistration ίη India and Abroad (Chapter - 2) UNIT 111 : AGREEMENTS AND LEGISLATIONS International Treaties and Conventions οη IPRs, TRIPS Aqreement. PCT Aqreement. Patent Act of lndia, Patent Amendment Act. Desiqn Act. Trademark Act. Geoqraphical lndication Act. (Chapter - 3) UNIT IV : DIGITAL PRODUCTS AND LAW Diqital Innovations and Developments as Knowledqe Assets - ΙΡ Laws, Cyber Law and Diqital Content Protection - Unfair Competition - Meaninq and Relationship between Unfair Competition and ΙΡ Laws - Case Studies. (Chapter - 4) UNIT V : ENFORCEMENT OF IPRs Infrinqement of IPRs. Enforcement Measures, Emerqinq issues - Case Studies. (Chapter - 5)