Technical Publications
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics for SPPU 15 Course (BE - I - Comp.- 410242) (OLD EDITION)
Technical Publications
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics for SPPU 15 Course (BE - I - Comp.- 410242) (OLD EDITION)
Technical Publications
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for BE Anna University R21CBCS (IV - CSE / IT - VI / ECE - CS3491)
Rs. 410.00
Technical Publications
Artificial Intelligence for GTU 18 Course (VIII- CE/CSE/IT- 2180703) (OLD EDITION) (Decode)
Technical Publications
Artificial Intelligence for BE Anna University R21CBCS (III- AI & DS - AL3391)
Rs. 460.00
Technical Publications
Artificial Intelligence for GTU 18 Course (VI- IT/Prof. Elec.-II - 3161608)
Rs. 540.00
Technical Publications
Artificial Intelligence for JNTU-H 18 Course (IV - I - CSE / IT - CS713PE) - Professional Elective - IV & (IV - I - CSE / IT - CS701OE ) - Open Elective - II (Decode)
Rs. 275.00
Technical Publications
Artificial Intelligence for SPPU 19 Course (TE - SEM VI - COMP. & TE - SEM V - AI&DS - 310253)
Rs. 510.00
Technical Publications
Artificial Intelligence for SPPU 19 Course (TE - SEM VI - COMP. & TE - SEM V - AI&DS - 310253) (Decode) (END SEM)
Rs. 170.00
Technical Publications
Artificial Neural Network for SPPU 19 Course (TE - SEM VI - AI & DS - 317531)
Rs. 285.00
Technical Publications
Artificial Neural Network for SPPU 19 Course (TE - SEM VI - AI&DS) - 317531 (Decode) (END SEM)
Rs. 130.00
Technical Publications
Audio Video Engineering for SPPU 15 Course (BE - II - E&Tc - 404191C) (OLD EDITION)
Rs. 240.00