Technical Publications
Big Data Analytics for BE Anna University R21CBCS (V - AI&DS- CCS334, (V,VI(VI - Vertical I - CSE / IT / CS&BS / AI&DS & Verical VI - EEE - CCS334))
Rs. 165.00
Technical Publications
Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology (IInd Year - ER20-23T) - TEXTBOOK
Rs. 495.00
Technical Publications
Biochemistry for B. PHARMACY PCI SYLLABUS - 17 ( SEM II - BP203T) - TEXTBOOK
Rs. 270.00
Technical Publications
Biochemistry for B. PHARMACY PCI SYLLABUS - 17 ( SEM II - BP203T) TCA PHARMA
Rs. 260.00
Technical Publications
Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics For B Pharmacy PCI (VI- BP604T) TCA PHARMA
Rs. 270.00
Technical Publications
Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics- for B. PHARMACY PCI SYLLABUS - 17 ( SEM VI - BP604T) - TEXTBOOK
Rs. 295.00
Technical Publications
Biostatistics and Research Methodology - for B. PHARMACY PCI SYLLABUS - 17 ( SEM VIII - BP801T) - TEXTBOOK
Rs. 320.00
Technical Publications
Biostatistics and Research Methodology - for B. PHARMACY PCI SYLLABUS - 17 ( SEM VIII - BP801T) TCA PHARMA
Rs. 380.00
Technical Publications
Blockchain for GTU 18 Course (VII - IT - 3171618) - Open Elective - III
Rs. 210.00
Technical Publications
Blockchain Technology for SPPU 19 Course (BE - SEM VII - Comp. - 410243) - END SEM (Decode)
Rs. 70.00
Technical Publications
Blockchain Technology for SPPU 19 Course (BE - SEM VII -COMP.) - 410243
Rs. 260.00
Technical Publications
Broadband Communication Systems for SPPU 15 Course (BE - II - E&Tc - 404190) (Decode) (OLD EDITION)
Rs. 120.00