Unit I : Foundations of Human–Computer Interaction What is HCI – design, models, evaluation, Need to understand people, computers and methods. Basic human abilities - vision, hearing, touch, memory. Computers – speed, interfaces, widgets, and effects on interaction. Humans – Memory, Attention Span, Visual Perception, psychology, ergonomics. Understanding Users. Methods for evaluation of interfaces with users : goals of evaluation, approaches, ethics, introspection, extracting the conceptual model, direct observation, constructive interaction, interviews and questionnaires, continuous evaluation via user feedback and field studies, choosing an evaluation method. (Chapter - 1) Unit II : The Design Process Interaction Design Basics, Interaction Styles. HCI in the Software Process. HCI design principles and rules : design principles, principles to support usability, golden rules and heuristics, HCI patterns, design rules, HCI design standards. Direct Manipulation - Overview, Scope, Applications. Universal Design, User-centered design, task analysis/GOMS, Graphic Design (Chapter - 2) Unit III : Implementation Implementation Tools, Technology and change designing for the Web, designing for portable devices. Handling errors and Designing Help. Prototyping and UI Software. (Chapter - 3) Unit IV : Evaluation and User Support Evaluation of User Interfaces. Web Browsers - Fonts, Color Palette, Color Depth, Resolution, Layout, Size, Orientation. Mobile devices issues – design, limitations, what next. User Support. (Chapter - 4) Unit V : Users Models Predictive Models, Cognitive Models. Interaction with Natural Languages, Next Generation Interface. Socio-organizational Issues and Stakeholder Requirements. Heuristic Evaluation, Evaluation with Cognitive Models, Evaluation with Users. (Chapter - 5) Unit VI : Task Models and Dialogs Task Analysis, DOET (Design of Everyday Things). Design Dialogs Notations, Warnings, and Error messages. Model-based Evaluation. User Testing, Usability Testing, User Acceptance Testing. (Chapter - 6)