Unit - I Introduction to Microcontroller Architecture Overview of MCS-51 architecture,Block diagram and explanation of 8051, Port structure , memory organization, Interrupt structure, timers and its modes, serial communication modes. Overview of Instruction set, Sample programs (assembly) : Delay using Timer and interrupt, Programming Timer 0 and 1, Data transmission and reception using Serial port Unit - II IO Port Interfacing-I Interfacing of : LEDS,Keypad, 7-segment multiplexed display, LCD, ADC 0809(All programs in assembly). Programming environment : Study of software development tool chain (IDE), hardware debugging tools (timing analysis using logic analyser) Unit - III Parallel Port Interfacing-II Interfacing of : DAC,Temperature sensors,Stepper motor, Motion detectors, Relay, Buzzer, Optoisolaters, Design of DAS and Frequency counter : All programs in assembly Unit - IV PIC Microcontroller Architecture Features, comparison and selection of PIC series as per application. PIC18FXX architecture- MCU, Program and Data memory organization,Pin out diagram, Reset operations, Oscillator options (CONFIG), BOD, power down modes and configuration bit settings, timer and its programming, Brief summary of Peripheral support, Overview of instruction set. Unit - V Real World Interfacing Part I Port structure with programming, Interrupt Structure (Legacy and priority mode) of PIC18F With SFRS. Interfacing of LED, LCD (4 and 8 bits), and Key board, use of timers with interrupts, CCP modes : Capture, Compare and PWM generation, DC Motor speed control with CCP: All programs in embedded C. Unit - VI Real World Interfacing Part II Basics of Serial Communication Protocol : Study of RS232, RS 485, I2C, SPI, MSSP structure(SPI and I2C), UART, Sensor interfacing using ADC, RTC (DS1306) with I2C and EEPROM with SPI. Design of PIC test Board, Home protection System : All programs in embedded C.