Unit - I : Introduction to Ubiquitous Computing Concept of Ubiquitous Computing and Advantages, Ubiquitous Computing Applications and Scope, Properties of Ubiquitous Computing, Modelling the Key Ubiquitous Computing Properties. Ubiquitous System Environment Interaction. Architectural Design for UbiCom Systems : Smart DEI Model. (Chapter - 1) Unit - II : Ubiquitous Computing Smart Devices and Services Smart Devices and Service properties, Smart mobile devices and Users, Mobile code, Smart Card Devices and Networks, Service Architecture Models. Service Provision Life-Cycle. Virtual Machines and Operating Systems, OS for Mobile Computers and Communicator Devices. (Chapter - 2) Unit - III : Actuation and Control Tagging the Physical World, Sensors and Networks, Micro- Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Embedded Systems and Real-Time Systems. Programmable and PID type control system, Robots. (Chapter - 3) Unit - IV : Human Computer Interaction User Interfaces and Interaction for devices, Abstract user interface through Basic Smart Wearable and Implanted Devices. Human- Centered Design (HCD). User Models : Direct and indirect user input and modelling, modelling users’ planned tasks and multiple tasks-based computing. (Chapter - 4) Unit - V : Ubiquitous Computing Privacy Ubiquitous computing privacy definition, Solove’s taxonomy of privacy, legal background, Interpersonal privacy, Ubicomp challenges to privacy : Collection scale, manner and motivation, data types, data accessibility; Case study of privacy solution such as Protecting RFID tags, ways of addressing privacy in Ubicomp. (Chapter - 5) Unit - VI : Ubiquitous Communication and Management Data Networks, Audio Networks, Wireless Data Networks, Ubiquitous Networks, Service oriented networks, network design issues; Configuration and Security management, Service oriented computer and information management, Context awareness. (Chapter - 6)