Technical Publications
Computer Networks & Security for SPPU 15 Course (BE - I - E&Tc/Elex. - 404182) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
Soft Computing for SPPU 15 Course (BE - I - IT - 414457B) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
Wireless Communication for SPPU 15 Course (BE - I - IT - 414456A) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
Software Design and Modeling for SPPU 15 Course (BE - I - IT - 414455) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
Information and Cyber Security for SPPU 15 Course (BE - I - IT - 414453) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
Distributed Systems for SPPU 15 Course (BE - I - Comp.- 410245(A)) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
Software Testing & Quality Assurance for SPPU 15 Course (BE - I - Comp.- 410245(B)) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
Data Mining & Warehousing for SPPU 15 Course (BE - I - Comp.- 410244(D)) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics for SPPU 15 Course (BE - I - Comp.- 410242) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
High Performance Computing for SPPU 15 Course (BE - I - Comp.- 410241) (OLD EDITION)

Technical Publications
Engineering Geology IN SEM for SPPU 19 Course (SE - III - Civil - 207003)
Rs. 80.00

Technical Publications
Concrete Technology for SPPU 19 Course (SE - IV - Civil - 201010)
Rs. 300.00