Technical Publications
Digital Principles & Computer Organization for BE Anna University R21CBCS (III-CSE / IT / AI&DS / CS & BS/CSE(Cyber Security) - CS3351)
Rs. 495.00
Technical Publications
Foundations of Data Science for BE Anna University R21CBCS (III-CSE / IT/CSE(Cyber Security) - CS3352)
Rs. 225.00
Technical Publications
Object Oriented Programming for BE Anna University R21CBCS (III-CSE / IT / CS &BS/CSE(Cyber Security) - CS3391)
Rs. 350.00
Technical Publications
Data Structures for BE Anna University R21CBCS (III-CSE - CS3301)
Rs. 495.00
Technical Publications
DISCRETE Mathematics for BE Anna University R21CBCS (III-CSE / IT / AI & DS / CS & BS - MA3354)
Rs. 450.00
Technical Publications
Multi - Core Architectures and Programming for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VII - CSE - CS8083 )
Rs. 220.00
Technical Publications
Advanced Topics on Databases for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VII - CSE /IT/Prof. Elec.-IV- CS8071)
Rs. 230.00
Technical Publications
Internet of Things for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VII - CSE /IT/Prof. Elec.-III- CS8081)
Rs. 225.00
Technical Publications
Wireless Adhoc & Sensor Networks for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VII - CSE /IT/Prof. Elec.-IV- CS8088)
Rs. 495.00
Technical Publications
Service Oriented Architecture for BE Anna University R17 CBCS (VII - CSE /IT/Prof. Elec.-III- IT8074)
Rs. 225.00
Technical Publications
Geographic Information Systems for BE Anna University R17 (V-CSE/IT/ECE/Mech.-OCE552) (OLD EDITION)
Rs. 190.00
Technical Publications
Data Warehousing and Data Mining for Anna University R17 CBCS (VI- CSE/Prof. Elec.-I -CS8075)
Rs. 295.00